Gaerne SG 12 - Black/Yellow Fluo

Artikelnummer: 2174-089

369,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 1-2 Tag(e)


Neue Farbe für den SG 12 und neues Design der Fussinnenseite mit gummiertem Einsatz sowie Einsatz auf der oberen Schaltseite im vorderen Teil!

Der „SG-12“ besitzt ein neues, patentiertes Gelenk­sys­tem namens „Dual Stage Pivot System“, dass den Stiefel bei seit­licher Krafteinwirkung stabiler und gleichzeitig komfortabel machen soll.
Natürlich wurden im Zuge der Entwicklung gleich die anderen Schutzzonen rund um das Schienbein, Fersen, Knöchel und Zehen verstärkt.
Einer der neuen "Superstiefel" die sehr teuer sind aber auch beste Protektion bieten!
Durch den innen verwandten Memoryfoam auch sehr bequem und bestens abgepolstert.Ebenfalls neu-Komplett neue Sohle gestaltet aus Dual Compund Material für längere Haltbarkeit.

Gaerne's Bob Rathkamp provided some of the details about what makes it different from previous versions. "It's basically a refinement of the previous boot (the SG10), and the grip guard on the inside is larger, lighter, and designed to be smooth so that it doesn't hook the bike. It also has a smaller toe box and is lighter."

The ankle pivot has also been redesigned, which was something that Lites East Supercross Champion, Trey Canard, was excited about. "I like that the pivot isn't right on my anle bone, so it's not putting pressure on it." Trey also mentioned that he thought it was slightly harder to break in, but he felt that it was for the better. Besides the repositioned pivot, the SG12 also features a dual pivot system, with a stop built into it like you get with a knee brace. That should help reduce some pressure on your ankles from especially hard landings.

Like the SG10, the new SG12 has a carbon shank in the sole to help protect your feet. The dual durometer Vibram sole is a new design, and is replaceable. Up top, there's a new gaitor that's designed to help keep dirt out of the boot.

According to Ryan Dungey, "It's definitely a little lighter. Gripping the bike is a lot easier, too. It molds to your bike better, as far as really getting in there and getting a good tight grip on your bike. The first day out of the box, breaking in isn't even an issue

Material:Schutzartikel für den Sport

Hersteller:Gaerne S.p.A.Via Caldiroro, 8131010 Coste di MaserItaly
+39 0423