Extreme Carbon Bremsscheibenschutz passend für KTM EXC/EXCF/SX/SXF ab 2016

Artikelnummer: 11.OS.01.E.0001 schwarz carbon

105,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 1-2 Tag(e)


Made in Portugal Bremsscheibenschutz für

KTM EXC/EXCF/SX/SXF ab 2016 ab 125 ccm

Echt Carbon für beste Protektion. Anbau ohne Ausbau des Rades möglich. Anbauzeit 5 min. Zusätzlicher Schutz der Gabelfaust!

1. Made with a strong and lightweight carbon fiber and kevlar blend
2. Back finish with aluminium fiber.
3. High Temperature certified aeronautic resin.
4. Made according to the exact dimensions of the OEM parts.
5. Easy assembly with OEM bolts
6. Entirely handcrafted in Portugal using high grade components,
7. Guaranteed to withstand weathering caused by heat and exposure to UV rays – while maintaining it’s strength and integrity capabilities.