Gaerne SG 22- Schwarz

Artikelnummer: 2262-001

593,99 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 1-2 Tag(e)


GAERNE hat Seele, Geist und Körper auf ein einziges Ziel konzentriert, um einen Hochleistungsschuh zu schaffen, der die italienische Handwerkskunst mit modernsten Materialien und technischen Lösungen verbindet.

So wie der englische Begriff “HORSEPOWER” nicht nur einen Motor bezeichnet, sondern auch die Fähigkeit, etwas zu bewirken. Diese “HORSEPOWER” steckt in der jahrelangen Entwicklung für den bequemsten, leichtesten und sichersten Motocross Stiefel den GAERNE je gebaut hat.

Der GAERNE SG 22 wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Profi-Fahrern entwickelt und getestet, um die Ansprüche jedes Offroad-Fahrers zu genügen. Egal, ob du auf der Rennstrecke unterwegs bist oder deinen eigenen Weg gehst, unsere Stiefel werden Dir helfen, jede Herausforderung mit Stil und Selbstvertrauen zu meistern.

    • Hochwertiges, leichtes Obermaterial in Kombination mit strapazierfähigen
      Microfiber und einer stoßfesten TPU Schale
    • Herausragende, premium Passform
    • RAZORBACK für perfektionierte Bewegungsgeometrie
    • DUAL STAGE PIVOT SYSTEM 1.0 optimaler Knöchel-Schutz
    • Stabilisierung des Knöchelgelenk mit flexiblem Bewegungsablauf
    • AIR-VENT Belüftung mit Synergie zum Hightech-Innenfutter
    • Wadenweite einstellbar durch Schienbein-Frontplatte mit 3 Schrauben
    • ALUMINIUM SUPERLIGHT Schnalle oben in drei Positionen einstellbar
    • leicht bedienbare lackierte Alu-Schnallen
    • GRIP-GUARD 1.0 für perfekten Bike-Grip an der Wade und Knöchel
    • FLEX ZONE an Spann und Ferse
    • 3D MAIN BODY TOE BOX hat ein niedriges, schaltfreundliches Profil
    • Protektoren am Knöchel, Ferse und Schienbein
    • Atmungsaktives-Innenfutter mit geformten MEMORY-FOAM
    • Schafthöhe circa 38 cm
    • GRIP-ZONE Schaltverstärkung
    • anatomisch geformtes Fußbett mit stoßabsorbierendem Gel-Einsatz
    • Das Fußbett ist auswechselbar und als Zubehör erhältlich
    • Zwischensohle mit Stahleinlage verstärkt
    • Steel Bumper 1.0 Zehenkappe mit geringerem Gewicht
    • Black-Stick zwiegenähte GAERNE MX Sohle
    • MICROSHOCK Fersenpolster für optimalen Dämpfungseffekt
    • Schnallen, Sohlen und Stahlkappen als Zubehör erhältlich
    • entspricht EN 13634:2017
    • Made in Italy

There is a new horsepower on the ground: Gaerne SG22 “Gaerne is putting new horsepower on the ground”. This slogan accompanies the presentation of the new Gaerne SG.22 motocross boot. A model that for the historic company from Treviso, founded 60 years ago by Ernesto Gazzola, represents the natural evolution of the appreciated SG.12. The translation of the English term "horsepower" does not refer only to power but also to commitment, to strength, to the power of actions and decisions. And it is precisely this spirit that has accompanied Gaerne in every phase of the research and development process. Soul, mind and body focused on a single goal: to create a high-performance boot, capable of combining Made in Italy craftsmanship with cutting-edge materials and technical solutions. Every component, every detail of the SG.22 has been fine-tuned thanks to this mentality. The first innovation is the new 3D Main Body Toe Box which adopts a three-dimensional construction, characterized by a single joint element positioned on the outside near the closing lever. This allows a reduction in the height between the sole and the rear derailleur, increasing the speed of shifting.

The Aluminum Superlight Buckles levers stand out thanks to a new painted finish, and the improvements are not just aesthetic. In addition to the classic adjustment of the strap, the upper locking lever of the SG.22 can be adjusted in three positions. A system which, combined with the two positions guaranteed by the new Frontal Shin Guard makes possible to obtain multiple configurations to optimize the fit and allow easy insertion knee protectors. Near the Frontal Plate are allocated two Air Vents to allow air enter and inside in correspondence 3D channels are designed to create cavities capable of facilitating the evacuation of humidity and the dissipation of heat. The geometry of the movement has also been modified to allow the boot to better "copy" the movements of the ankle. The goal of the Gaerne technicians is clear: to improve ergonomics without sacrificing safety. The newly designed Razorback helps to reduce the overall weight of the boot. The Gaerne Dual Stage Pivot System 1.0 protects the ankle with two limit switches which limits the hyperextension, hyperflexion, and lateral movements. Internally the Memory foam 1.0 has also been re-engineered. This injected material takes the shape of the ankle, stabilizing the whole foot allowing the foot to become one with the boot.

The inner leg, in contact with the bike, features Grip Guard 1.0 rubber elements with a compound developed with professional riders. This improves protection and optimizes the coefficient of friction for better riding feel. The sole features dual density inserts. Their position has been studied to guarantee grip and durability without forgetting traction and cushioning during walking. The Microshock heel features a compound with different densities designed to provide protection from micro-impact when cornering. The new Steel Bumper 1.0 toe is inserted between the sole and the upper. This steel insert makes it possible to reduce thickness, maintain the protective capacity and reduce weight. Finally, the unmistakable Goodyear Welted construction that distinguishes Gaerne boots as per tradition. This technique allows you to create a particularly solid and resistant structure. Durability thus becomes one of the strengths of every product dedicated to motocross.

Also it allows the possibility of resoling (and therefore giving new life to the boot). The Goodyear Welted artisan technique finds a new aspect in Gaerne thanks to the use of modern machinery that contributes to raising the quality of the rigorously Made in Italy production process.

Material:Schutzartikel für den Sport