VForce 4R26 Membranenblock-passend für Gas Gas EC/MC ab 125 ccm ab 2021
Artikelnummer: V4R26 Gas Gas
Optimale und erprobte Passform!
VForce 4R26 Membranensystem passend für Gas Gas alle Zweitakter ab 125 ccm ab 2021.
Exclusiv bei uns das Neueste vom Neuen.Komplett überarbeiteter Block zur VForce 3 für mehr Haltbarkeit und noch besseres Ansprechverhalten.
5 % Mehrleistung u. Top-Performance!
Das komplette Paket für Ihr Bike!
VForce 4 Membranblock aus den USA für besseres Ansprechverhalten u. bis zu 5% an Mehrleistung!
Wird komplett mit Dichtungen und Anleitung (Englisch) geliefert-natürlich einbaufertig.
Vor allem die Beschleunigung aus dem unteren Drehzahlbereich verbessert sich um Welten.
Durch das neue Stecksystem der Carbonplättchen im Vergleich zur VForce 3 entsteht keinerlei Spannung und das Ansprechverhalten verbesser sich nochmals!
Der komplette Block wird anbaufertig geliefert! Veraenderungen sind nicht notwendig. Bedüsung muss eventuell leicht bis mittel modifiziert werden.
The unique design of the VForce reed valve system features double the reed tip surface over a conventional reed valve design. This has two major benefits: 1) The reed petals only travel half the distance as a conventional reed valve design to get the same airflow. 2) Because the reed petals only need to travel half the distance of that on a conventional reed valve design, there is a greater chance of them being fully opened as well as a better chance of sealing when they are "closed". A reed petal never truly "closes" in a classic sense, as it is always in movement. Consider this, an engine operating at 8,000 RPM results in a reed petal opening and closing 133 times in one second. This fact, sheds light on another VForce advantage. Since the petals are only traveling half the distance, they generally last longer are they receive less wear than the reed petals on a conventional reed valve design.
- Double the reed tip surface over a conventional reed valve design
- Increased bottom end, stronger mid-range and longer top-end
- Greater efficiency due to reduced reed petal travel
- More airflow means more horsepower
- Reduced reed petal wear
- Screw free design eliminates risk of screws going through motor
- Screw free design enables rapid reed petal changes
- All-new reed petal resin system, carbon fiber and lay-up
- Pre-curved reed petal ensures better seal at tip
- Wider reed cage for maximum airflow
- Combined reed tip area increased by 10.5% resulting in increased total air flow
- Airfoil shape added to cage tip to increase air velocity from outer ports
- Long reed stops added to progressively slow petal tip velocity, for increased petal durability
- Reduced frontal area of central wing by 15.6% combined with a more aerodynamic shape
- Rubber overmodling on reed tip surface of cage to further enhance petal life
- All-new manifold, reed cage and air guide designed for the VFVorce4R
Moto Tassinari and VForce4R decals, detailed installation instructions, complete VForce4R reed valve system (including reed petals) and gaskets.
+1 603-298-6646store@mototassinari.comVerantwortlicher Wirtschaftsakteur in der EU:Parts Europe GmbHConrad-Röntgen-Str. 254332 WasserlieschGermany
+49 (0) 6501 9695-0info@partseurope.eu